The Reformation - Notes

Key points

The Reformation is the name given to the great changes that took place in religion in Europe during the 1500’s and 1600’s. If you were able to travel back in time to the Europe of the year 1500, you would find that the vast majority of people followed the same religion, the Roman Catholic Church. Everyone went to mass regularly which was always in Latin. The Pope was accepted at the Head of the Catholic Church.

However, by the year 1600, all this had changed. A number of new Christian Churches had been founded, all of which were Protestant. In your study of the Reformation, you discover how this great change occurred.

Learning Objectives:
In this section you are expected to know:

  • What were some of the problems/abuses that existed in the Catholic Church in the year 1500?
  • The main events in the life of either Luther OR Calvin
  • The main changes that took place during the Counter-Reformation.

Life of Martin Luther

  • Born in Germany
  • Became a monk instead of lawyer
  • Became University Professor
  • Very concerned about heaven
  • Studied Bible closely
  • Believed only faith in God would save him
  • 1517 John Tetzel came to Wittenberg
  • Selling indulgences for Pope
  • Some of money to be used to build St. Peter’s
  • People frightened into buying indulgences
  • Luther angry about sale of indulgences
  • Wrote 95 theses in protest
  • Nailed to main church door
  • Translated into German and printed
  • Ideas spread rapidly
  • Pope hears of Luther’s protest
  • Sent letter ordering Luther to stop
  • Luther burned Popes letter in public
  • Pope excommunicated Luther
  • Emperor of Germany gets involved
  • Called a special meeting in Worms
  • Luther spoke and refused to change his views
  • Emperor condemned Luther
  • His life in danger
  • Prince Frederick of Saxony supported Luther
  • Hid Luther in his castle for year
  • Translated Latin Bible into German
  • Luther formed a new Christian religion
  • Bible became central
  • Only two sacraments
  • Church service in own language
  • Ministers instead of priests
  • Ministers allowed to marry
  • Lutheran religion spread rapidly
  • Many princes became Lutheran
  • Became known as Protestants
  • Divisions developed with Catholic church
  • Wars broke out for nine years

Essay question

Prepare an Essay on either Martin Luther

Use these headings:

  • His early life
  • His main teachings/religious beliefs
  • Why people followed that reformer
  • Successes and failures
  • Main results of the reformers life

Review Questions

1. What was simony
2. What was pluralism?
3. What was nepotism?
4. Explain what Indulgences were.
5. Where was Martin Luther born?
6. Why did Luther become a monk?
7. Why was Luther so unhappy as a monk?
8. Why was John Tetzel so important?
9. What were the 95 theses?
10. Why did Luther’s ideas spread so rapidly?
11. What was the importance of the Diet of Worms?
12. Why was Frederick the Wise so important?
13. How did Germany become divided after 1526?
14. What was the peace of Augsburg?
15. What were the main religious beliefs of Luther?
16. How were Luther’s beliefs different from those of the Catholic Church?
17. Where was John Calvin born?
18. What was meant by predestination?
19. What new religion did Calvin found?
20. What were some of the rules people in Geneva had to follow?
21. What did the city of Geneva become known as?
22. Why was Pope Paul III so important?
23. What were the main decisions made at the council of Trent?
24. Who were the Jesuits?
25. What was the Inquisition?
26. Why did Galileo become a victim of the Inquisition?


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